Q&A with Larry Seamans

Smiling FamilyAid Boston president sitting at a desk wearing a blue button down shirt

Our new President, Larry Seamans, spends his days working to help parents and children secure and sustain housing. We wanted to help you get to know him outside of his new role, so we asked him to answer some questions about his interests, inspirations, and experiences.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? 

“Before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes” – advice from Sister Marie Duffy, my high school civics teacher who remains a mentor to this day.

How did you get started working in homelessness support and prevention?  

Over the last 15-20 years, four members of my large, extended family and a young mentee all fell into homelessness through no fault of their own.  I watched systems designed to help them fail miserably, and how the good works of many ultimately helped them to get a leg up, and eventually stand on their own.  Their plight and ultimate success prompted me to redirect my career to help those who face similar life experiences.

What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it?

Evicted by Matthew Desmond. The book was a gift from former FamilyAid Boston president Rich Ring, and it details the plight and exploitation of families experiencing poverty. It’s a must read for anyone connected to our mission.

What is your favorite quote?

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”—Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is your favorite thing about Boston?

Its growing diversity and its proximity to the ocean and mountains.

Who’s someone you really admire?

Sylvia Ferrell-Jones, former CEO of YWCA Boston, a colleague and friend who died much too young.  She was the epitome of grace and rock steady leadership.

If you could pick up a new skill in an instant, what would it be?

Better delivery of punchlines. My kids tell me my jokes fall flat!

What keeps you motivated and inspired to continue the work FamilyAid Boston is doing every day?  

The crushing demand for our services, the dignity of our guests and the incredible work of our staff. We can’t do enough for so many people in need.

What’s a fun fact about yourself we haven’t covered yet?

 I make a mean, homemade manicotti di pollo.