A Mother’s Gratitude


FamilyAid Boston client Lacy recently wrote a note of thanks for our staff’s efforts to secure a Section 8 voucher for her and her son, for the financial assistance that enabled them to move, and for the comfort and hope that FAB has given her throughout:

 To whom it may concern,

As I opened the door to my new home, I felt such emotion going through me: I finally did it. We did it!

I was raised that if you want something, you get it on your own—no help, no excuses. Asking for help was a sign of weakness, so I didn’t ask until I was left helpless.

Then a friend told me that for every success story, there is always a hidden superhero pushing from behind. I swallowed my pride and reached out, moving into my mother’s living room. Her husband became my motivation to keep trying. Every time he said I was worthless, I fought harder.

Though I was being called worthless, I had to put a smile on my face for my little boy, despite sleepless nights doing back-breaking work. I got on my knees to ask God for strength, and he answered my prayers when on a Tuesday I got a phone call around 5 that I had been approved for a Section 8 voucher.

I thank God for sending [FamilyAid Boston Prevention Director] Mikayla Francois my way. She became my advocate because I knew nothing about Section 8 or the process. She was patient with me, answering all my questions. As Mikayla helped me through the process, my emotions sometimes got ahead of me and I wanted to give up. When I almost accepted that I was a failure and would fail my son, Mikayla would say, “You have done everything right on your part. Just keep doing it and you will get good results. I will help you through it all.”

And FamilyAid didn’t stop there. They even helped with a deposit and helped me to get furniture as well!

Losing everything and now seeing the blessings and miracles that continue to come my way, I am grateful. Help does exist, and now I’m on a positive path thanks to you. I’m getting a new job helping others, and I’m ready to go back to school. It’s easier now since I don’t have that weight anymore. I don’t feel worthless anymore.

With God’s help you have saved a family. Know how powerful this is to those of us who need that push, that help.

Thank you,

Lacy and Luke