FamilyAid Goes Platinum!


FamilyAid Boston recently received a “Platinum” rating from GuideStar, the highest level of recognition offered by the organization which is the world’s largest source of nonprofit information. The rating is a result of FamilyAid’s sector-best outcomes in assisting an increasing number of homeless children and families with housing and supports. GuideStar publishes extensive data on more than 2.5 million charities to help donors learn and rate charities based on the their success in solving some of the world’s greatest social challenges.

To achieve its Platinum standing, FamilyAid provided GuideStar with extensive information, including external evaluations, in-depth financial information and audits, and substantive, tested outcomes in its progress to reduce child and family homelessness.

“FamilyAid is committed to transparency and providing supporters with the information they need to make their philanthropic decisions,“ said FamilyAid Boston President Larry Seamans. “We’re thrilled with GuideStar’s endorsement, and hope that supporters continue to invest in our innovative plans to build better futures for homeless families.”

In addition to earning the 2021 Platinum GuideStar Profile Seal of Transparency, FamilyAid earned Charity Navigator’s 2020 100 out of 100 Encompass rating, it’s highest, for being a trusted and transparent organization. Charity Navigator is a philanthropic assessment organization that annually evaluates thousands of U.S. charities.

You can visit FamilyAid Boston’s GuideStar profile here.