Liberty Mutual Insurance Paints House for Homeless Families


After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, Liberty Mutual Insurance employees are back volunteering in the communities where they work and live.  This month, FamilyAid welcomed six Liberty Mutual Insurance volunteers as part of the company’s Serve with Liberty campaign.  The team re-painted the porches at one of our housing sites for homeless children and parents.

FamilyAid’s partnership with the insurance company began in 2009, and Liberty has supported the homeless children and parents in our care every year since.

When the pandemic began, the families we serve were hit the hardest.  Liberty Mutual Insurance generously increased its support for our expanded hunger relief, housing, financial assistance, and educational support for more than 4,000 children and parents.

“Our partnership with Liberty Mutual Insurance continues to improve the lives of homeless children and parents,” says FamilyAid President Larry Seamans.  “We are grateful for Liberty’s critical financial support and volunteer service.”

We thank Liberty Mutual Insurance for supporting homeless children and parents during Serve with Liberty and look forward to collaborating on more projects next year!