Ana’s FamilyAid Success Story

Ana, a single mother of two children–Isla, 7, and Noah, 10–was struggling to keep up with her rent. Following the pandemic, it had been difficult to find consistent work, and with the rising costs of living and childcare, Ana increasingly had to choose between picking up a shift and staying home with her kids. Eventually, they had to move out of their home and into an overcrowded, two-bedroom apartment with Ana’s friend, Maria, and her three children.

After moving, Noah began having trouble sleeping, as he wasn’t used to being away from his own home and bed. One of his teachers at the Curley K-8 school noticed his energy levels dropping and inquired about it. He told her he couldn’t sleep in his shared room and explained that his whole family had to move in with their friends because there were too many bills coming for his mom. His teacher reached out to Ana and connected her with one of the homelessness liaisons at the school, who referred her to FamilyAid.

Ana worked closely with Lina, her FamilyAid Case Manager, who helped her obtain a housing voucher for a 3-bedroom apartment. Understanding the importance of education and extracurricular activities for children, Lina identified and secured funding for an after-school program for both Noah and Isla. This program provided both academic support and a safe and enriching environment for them to socialize with other kids. Additionally, after discussing Ana’s long-term career goals, Lina assisted Ana in enrolling in a cosmetology course, with FamilyAid contributing part of the funding to help her pursue a new career path.

In less than two years, Ana successfully exited FamilyAid, having secured stable employment, health insurance, schooling and after-school activities for both children.

Ana’s story underscores the impact of perseverance and collaboration, illustrating how one mother’s determination – combined with FamilyAid’s expertise – can lead to a brighter, more stable future for her family.